Some ideas live and some ideas die. Why?
Chip and Dan Heath in their book, Made to Stick: Why some Ideas Survive and Other Die, identified six traits of an idea that sticks, or catches on with an audience or customer segment.* They used the acronym “SUCCES” to cover the concepts:
1) Simple: eliminate everything unessential. Get to the core point.
2) Unexpected: surprise people and get their attention.
3) Concrete: create the idea to be memorable and easy.
4) Credibility: make the idea believable.
5) Emotion: make sure the audience sees how important the idea is.
6) Stories: use narrative and metaphor to tell the story.
So a “sticky” ideas just does not happen. It takes time, thought, and includes a purpose and a simple plan. And, just like the first attribute of a great idea, it’s simple. Keep it simple marketer, and for that matter, what ever industry you’re in.
Any ideas?
*Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Made to Stick: Why some Ideas Survive and Others Die (NewYour: Random House, 2007).
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