Can Marketing Be Over Done?
Amidst all the marketing “calls to action, HTML formatting, best practices, graphics, bells and whistles, catch phrases, buy nows, banner ads, fancy aps and tools, digital this and digital that, social media this and social media that,” are we overloading our readers, customers, and minds?
I think we are.
But wait, there’s not more!Perhaps that’s why texting and e-mail are so popular. Simple. Functional.I’m not saying don’t do marketing–you have to or your business will not survive. It’s the flavor, style, and type of marketing that matters. All that digitally glitters is not gold.
You must carefully pick your targets and tools. Unlike my normal “branded” and colorful HTML email, this newsletter is plain text. That’s intentional. Nothing fancy. Just a simple newsletter with no bells and whistles.I’m taking a digital diet.Words matter and all the high definition and high tech glitter may not matter as much as we think. After all, how did we ever communicate before the internet existed? We did and we still can but we need reminders. I do. You do. Stop. Ask yourself, “do I need to simplify things a bit?”
This text-only post may freak you out. If it does, think again. I’m experimenting and curious about the response rate. Think the comment rate will be lower or higher than my average? I will let you know.
Here’s the marketing tip: focus on the message not the fancy. That’s all.
By Stuart Atkins
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