Marketing Blog


Our Marketing Blog includes over 300 articles on digital and traditional marketing. Since 2008, we’ve worked with hundreds of businesses from multiple industries. Dive in to read our marketing mind! 

Mobile Marketing Trends: An Ap A Day Keeps Low Sales Away

I did it.  My tried and true Blackberry is gone and buried.  The Apple iPhone 4s is now my mobile tool for all things Internet, ...
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The Navy Seal Brand: Thoughtful, Disciplined, and Proportional

You are a brand.  It's the Brand Called You, as Tom Peters wrote in his famous article.  Are you motivated?  Really motivated? Navy Seal brand ...
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Content And The Power Of The Pen

“To hold a pen is to be at war.” Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire wrote these words.  Strong words they are.  We often think of warfare ...
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Patricia Raskin Interviews Stuart Atkins On Marketing

Nationally recognized multi-media radio talk show host and award winning producer Patricia Raskin, interviewed Stuart Atkins on live radio.  We cover marketing, social media, internet ...
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CS Lewis & Marketing Shadowlands

Aslan The Lion I'm a big CS Lewis fan.  His use of metaphor is brilliant, simple, and captivating.  Narnia and the lion Aslan being two ...
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iPhone Marketing

I did it. I finally ordered an iPhone 4s.  iPhone marketing has in many respects become my marketing. They are back ordered from Verizon so ...
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Marketing Reasons Why I’m Here: The Brand Called Stu Takes Some Risks

My birthday comes around every year.  Another year gone by.  Fast.  Every year creates a marketing reason why my business exists. I started my own ...
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What Makes Good Marketing Writing: Eliminate Verbal Furniture

What is good marketing writing? "Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason ...
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25 Segmentation Variables for Consumer Markets: Phillip Kotler

  According to Dr. Phillip Kotler, segmentation is the key to good marketing.  If you don't segment, you waste time, money, and sales.  This waste ...
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Lifestyle Media Is Not A Fad

I love what Seth Godin has to say about social media in this blog post.  Social media is not a fad, it's people connecting over ...
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Why our clients love us...

Esteban D.
Via LinkedIn

I met Stuart while living in Orange, CA and starting up my company. I found Stuart to be a very knowledgeable individual in not only marketing but many facets of business and business development. I was able to lean on Stuart for great marketing advice that I used directly in my business. Soon after meeting, I felt connected with Stuart in a way that helped me become more comfortable with my own marketing challenges and business development criteria.

Stuart, as a marketing consultant, as an author and as a professor is a invaluable resources for any company seeking top-notch advice when it comes to strategic marketing solutions. My sincerest hope is to maintain our friendship and business dealing for a life-time.

VyVy V.
Via LinkedIn

Stuart was a wonderful teacher who really showed his passion for marketing and social media through his teachings and lessons throughout the course of the semester. He was a passionate teacher and mentor whom I could go to whenever I had a question regarding social media or my professional life. I was grateful enough to be one of the first students to take his course and I hope that he continues to teach such a helpful course, in which will be very valuable as social media continues to progress.

Ilyana S.
Via LinkedIn

Stuart has great enthusiasm for teaching students to succeed in marketing. Stuart is not only talented in the realm of marketing but is consistently certain to find ways for his students to develop the skills, capacity as a stand-out professional and focus for career advancement in a way that is relevant for the field.