Some talk of paradigm shifts. The smartphone goes beyond the paradigm. It combines years of change, technology, and innovation into a tool that is second to none. You must have one to do marketing these days. No smartphone, no marketing. Bottom line. Period. Mobile marketing is marketing and there is just no substitute.
There are now more mobile phones than humans on the planet.
Think about it. You have 500 times more processing power than the Apollo spaceships that took us to the moon, yet in the palm of your hand. You have internet, social media, aps, text, e-mail, docs, photos, GPS, and I could go on for pages. There is just no substitute. Then, add a tablet with your smartphone and now you’re talkin.
There is the iPhone 4s, the Samsung Galaxy, numerous Droid flavors, and the Windows phones. The “smartphonesphere” is also blending with tablets. The smartphone is like a digital tattoo. It personifies who we are and what we do and how we live. Psychographic marketing become mobilegraphic marketing. Our entire lives are placed on and within these devices. From hi res photos and videos within the smartphone, we also record and chronicle our lives. We talk, take photos, and then upload our lives to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Back and forth our individual brand device goes.
No smartphone. No marketing. Do it. Learn it. Or forget it, from a marketing strategy standpoint.
In you’re still not convinced, watch this video:
Bring both your customers and the world into the palm of your hand…
By Stuart Atkins
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