I just got back from vacation. One week with almost no internet access. At first it was weird, then, it became refreshing to go “unconnected” for a time. I didn’t have to ignore calls. They just did not get through! It’s good for the brain and the body. No digital and no “always on” focus. I could absorb nature and all it contains.
There are also benefits and tips to take home from this wilderness fast from the internet:
- This is the perfect time for website updates. I thus had my WordPress developer clean up a ton of site redirects, among other long-awaited maintenance tune-ups. My site is faster, safer, simpler, and cleaner.
- Think about your business: goals, strategies, plans, new clients, new target customers.
- Do nothing. Yes, it’s OK to do nothing. In fact it’s key to doing better somethings.
- Listen to the silence, as Gomer Pile used to say.
- Watch the animals. We saw a ton of cool animals.
- Grill some steaks. Yes. Grill some high quality meat, even if you’re a vegetarian! Who will see you eat real food when in the wilderness.
- Connect with past family history. Find your roots. I in fact visited the birthplace of my Grand Father in Atlanta Idaho. It was quite the experience and I’m so glad I finally did this.
I thus came back fresh with a new appreciation for the internet. Did I miss it. Yes. You bet because it’s both my business and my life, but I was reminded of the fact there is still more to life than the internet.
Go take that vacation. If you don’t I’m not impressed. Stop being a workaholic and get something, or better said, get nothing done for awhile. It will do you good and make your work just that, much, better.
By Stuart Atkins
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