Evidence of the Online Shopping Rise

Once upon a time, there were these shopping complexes called, malls. Not so long ago, there were also these shopping centers called superstores that were run by conglomerates. Today, the world of shopping has been redefined by technology and the internet.
“As of Q1 2018, Google Shopping ads are driving 76.4% of retail search ad spend in the US…”
Now there is an online platform (or marketplace), powered by Google and designed to empower the merchant and the buyer.
What is Google Shopping? It is evidence of the rise and growing enhancements available in today’s online shopping.
It is obvious at this point, that getting an edge or being able to dominate google shopping is not only important, but it could also be a game-changer. Here are five tips to help you change the game in your favor and help you take the lead in google shopping.
Optimize your Keywords
Arguably the most vital technique and skill to master in online marketing is SEO, beginning with your keywords. We will keep this simple. Think indexing and of the idea of being out of sight – out of mind. These principles dictate the need to keep keywords on the front end. It also suggests that optimizing product and page titles and descriptions is beneficial for those very same reasons.
One more tip here is to be mindful of keeping your content and product descriptions short and sweet. This will help to make them more memorable and allow the information to be more easily consumed and read.
Track Disapprovals
Employ metrics, a lot of metrics to gauge, track and evaluate every step of every campaign. Is your aforementioned SEO strategy working? Track what is working and equally as important, what isn’t working, to maximize your results and efforts.
Bid at the SKU Level
Maintaining that, keeping it simple mindset, this is not only a smart tactic but a safe one too. Smart because you will be able to easily track and evaluate performance and smart because your customers won’t ever be disappointed. There aren’t too many things more disappointing for a customer than to find out that the item they want is no longer available. That isn’t good for business either.
Keep your ROAS in Mind
Knowing how much to invest in an ad or campaign can be difficult to determine. Not only will following your ROAS (return on ad spend) help us to do just that, it will also allow you to understand the profit margins of particular items as well.
Promote When Appropriate
When to promote, when not to promote? While there isn’t a sure-thing answer to this question, there is a way to help manage promotions to make them more effective. The google shopping platform allows you to set up promotions in advance. When it is time to go live, it can happen now which eliminates the guesswork of timing promotions.
Is Your Business Google Shopping?
This is not a question of if but when. If your company is a leader, great. Do what you need to do to stay there. If your company wants to become a leader, awesome. Do what you need to do to get there.
Google Shopping is one way PPC is helping companies succeed. The road is paved by Google and a reliable PPC vehicle will take you where you want to go and where the leading companies are going.
“In 2017 alone, we saw an investment of $10.1 Billion by a total of 7 million advertisers in PPC.”
That story is just one of many citing the direction of businesses and where they are headed. And those “7 million advertisers” – those are your competitors.
If you aren’t in the game, you need to get in the game and the name of the game for marketers and business today includes PPC. Make sure you are on your A game and if you aren’t sure or need to brush up a little, we can help.
Isn’t it time to take your business Google Shopping?
Stuart Atkins
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