I'm a big CS Lewis fan. His use of metaphor is brilliant, simple, and captivating. Narnia and the lion Aslan being two prime examples. You know, "Always Winter but never Christmas," as CS Lewis said in the Chronicles of Narnia. So to usher in 2012 how about a quote from Lewis that applies to all … [Read more...] about CS Lewis & Marketing Shadowlands
CS Lewis
CS Lewis on Gnats, Life, and Petty Marketing Decisions
"The gnat-like cloud of petty anxieties and decisions about the conduct of the next hour..." CS Lewis CS Lewis On What Matters I love the above quote from CS Lewis. He has a way of making the mundane magical. The phrase, "gnat-like cloud," describes so well how often we allow the trees to … [Read more...] about CS Lewis on Gnats, Life, and Petty Marketing Decisions
CS Lewis And End Times
Rapture Marketing: CS Lewis And The World's End CS Lewis wrote about the futility of attempting to predict the future. May 21st was THE DAY. At least, that's what another "prophet" has told us. I am typing and still here, so be patient. It may be worth a good read on your part. However, read … [Read more...] about CS Lewis And End Times