Google’s Mission Statement:
“To Organize the World’s Information and Make it Universally Accessible and Useful.”
Google’s mission statement is stated simply, clearly, directly, and in an action-oriented fashion. There is no confusion. You understand exactly what Google does and is.
Think of this task! With the afterburner, rapid proliferation of world-wide information this is no small mission. However, Google is perfect for this objective. Google lives and breathes the organization of information. It’s the essence of search. Every conversation going on in every head is a mind touch point for Google. What you want and what you think becomes part of each Google search. Then, it becomes organized. The concept is both brilliant and mind boggling. Thoughts, ideas, questions, and searches create change. The prolific becomes practical. The world takes what it finds and then acts. With or without a filter, it becomes actionable. Fascinating. Never before was this possible.
Google also has a great philosophy statement. It’s what they think about what they do:
“Never settle for the best.”
The good is the enemy of the best, yet the best is the enemy of the excellent. This reminds me of the late Steve Jobs and Apple’s USP: “Think Different.” Don’t settle for the best. How often do we do this?
1. “Focus on the user and all else will follow.”
Customer, not product driven marketing. Listen, don’t shout. Engage, don’t interrupt. Those who search know better than those post.
2. “It’s best to do one thing really, really well.”
Focus. Keep it simple. Enough said…
3. “Fast is better than slow.”
One must keep up with information. Quality blended with speed.
4. “Democracy on the Web works.”
All are created equal with the free flow of ideas and information. It also works on land, too. In fact, the web enhances Democracy. Yes, I would love to see a blog run by the Founding Fathers 🙂
5. “You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.”
One needs information wherever we are. The blend of GPS and questions. Answers and solutions are not restricted by location. Location must follow thought. Web 3.0 and beyond…
6. “You can make money without doing evil.”
Profit and capitalism are not “evil.” Occupy Wall street, LA, and wherever, without Capitalism, would not have clothes, cell phones, and 99% of what you own. Balance and gratitude are important. Yes, Bill Gates is giving it away. Billions of it.
7. “There is always more information out there.”
Index Google. Index. Then, index more. Information organized turns it into wisdom and feet-on-the-street change. All the information in the world, if we can’t find it, is useless. Thanks Google, for making it available.
8. “The need for information crosses all borders.”
Universal citizens of information. Just those who need to know and are gradually finding what they need. Information is partial to no one. We are all information immigrants.
9. “You can be serious without a suit.”
I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Yes, the IBM black suit does not always make you more “professional” or smarter. Innovation and creative results count more than fashion. Of course, look good and take a shower, but remember, Steve Jobs often wore just jeans and a black turtleneck.
10. “Great just isn’t good enough.”*
Go the extra mile. We underestimate even our largest boundaries. How much do we really leave behind in our quest for the best? Don’t sacrifice fantastic innovation on the altar of the great.
I could go on regarding more thoughts on Google’s mission statement.
By Stuart Atkins
Note: My thoughts and commentary in italics under each of the above 10 points.
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