Woody Allen said “eighty percent of success in life is just showing up.” That’s true in life, but with a website mere arrival does not guarantee success. Visitors arrive for a reason. They want something. But why? This question must be answered if your website is to succeed. Just tracking the numbers behind the site is not enough. You need to know why they came to your website. Yes, looking at your analytics tools such as Google Analytics or AWSTATS will help.It will give you a window into the world of why. People just don’t show for the sake of it. They show for a reason. Find that reason and half the battle for attention is won. Below are a few possible reasons:
- I’m bored.
- I found this site by accident.
- I’m looking for your expertise.
- I’m a hacker.
- My business is suffering.
- I need to see what my competition is up to?
- I like to learn.
- I need to buy a service or a product.
- I need information.
- Anything is better than the last Superbowl.
- I need to grow sales.
- I need to understand my customers better.
- I don’t know.
- I steal others content without permission.
- I know you.
- I heard you speak.
- I’m a fan.
- You’re smarter than Justin Bieber.
- I read your book.
- I need help.
- I’m desperate.
- I ____________?
Do you know why they visited? Do you know what they did once they got there? If not, why do you have a website?Know.If you’re not sure how, call or write me today.
By Stuart Atkins
Reader Interactions

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