Marketing Blog


Our Marketing Blog includes over 300 articles on digital and traditional marketing. Since 2008, we’ve worked with hundreds of businesses from multiple industries. Dive in to read our marketing mind! 

How To Increase Your Website Traffic

Since January 2009, Atkins Marketing Solutions' annual website traffic has grown over one thousand percent.  For 2011 thus far, my site's had 31,000 visits and ...
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Marketing Content Carved In Stone

Marketing content comes in all shapes and ages. Below is a picture History Rock, near Hyalite Canyon, Montana.  This rock was a blog, so to ...
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Is a Google Search Market Research?

A Google search is not market research. However, this is not to say that search engines such as Google, Yahoo, BING, and Ask are not ...
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Small Business and Psychographic Marketing?

Psychographic marketing rocks.  It goes beyond the common demographics we often hear about.  Demographics tells you who buys your product; psychographics tells you why they ...
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Steve Jobs Talks Life

Marketing is telling your story.  The story of the Apple brand starts with a person, Steve Jobs.  His marketing imagination spanned his entire high tech ...
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Seth Godin & Tribes Marketing

Seth Godin understands the just how "big" a small business can become.  He understands and gets how small is big and unique.  Tribes matter because ...
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Dr. Phillip Kotler Asks Four Questions For A Good Marketing Plan

What Makes A Good Marketing Plan? In Dr. Phillip Kotler's classic textbook, Marketing Management, he asks four questions for evaluating a good marketing plan.  Often, ...
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Robert McKee on the Will To Write

Time Plus The Will To Write and Create "Beyond imagination and insight, the most important component of talent is perseverance—the will to write and rewrite ...
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Good Ads Run Deep: Marketing Horsepower

I love this ad.  It appeals to a childhood nostalgia that indeed runs deep in American culture.  I've owned four Chevys and I love their ...
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Mountain Top Marketing: Taking An Internet Vacation

Take An Internet Vacation Taking a vacation from the internet, or an internet vacation, is critical for clearing the mind.  I've spent weeks in Montana ...
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Why our clients love us...

Esteban D.
Via LinkedIn

I met Stuart while living in Orange, CA and starting up my company. I found Stuart to be a very knowledgeable individual in not only marketing but many facets of business and business development. I was able to lean on Stuart for great marketing advice that I used directly in my business. Soon after meeting, I felt connected with Stuart in a way that helped me become more comfortable with my own marketing challenges and business development criteria.

Stuart, as a marketing consultant, as an author and as a professor is a invaluable resources for any company seeking top-notch advice when it comes to strategic marketing solutions. My sincerest hope is to maintain our friendship and business dealing for a life-time.

VyVy V.
Via LinkedIn

Stuart was a wonderful teacher who really showed his passion for marketing and social media through his teachings and lessons throughout the course of the semester. He was a passionate teacher and mentor whom I could go to whenever I had a question regarding social media or my professional life. I was grateful enough to be one of the first students to take his course and I hope that he continues to teach such a helpful course, in which will be very valuable as social media continues to progress.

Ilyana S.
Via LinkedIn

Stuart has great enthusiasm for teaching students to succeed in marketing. Stuart is not only talented in the realm of marketing but is consistently certain to find ways for his students to develop the skills, capacity as a stand-out professional and focus for career advancement in a way that is relevant for the field.